Listen to the future of hemp – podcast links

Lancaster Farming Hemp Podcast Hempoffset/Tao Climate’s Gary Byrnes was a guest on the legendary Eric Hurlock Lancaster Farming Hemp Podcast. Tune in right now and learn more about our vision for hemp and how we can literally save the world from climate change while building a sustainable utopia. We’re deadly serious about this. Apple Podcast:… Continue reading Listen to the future of hemp – podcast links

How hemp can deliver utopia

Here’s how hemp can deliver utopia by stopping climate change and enabling the construction of sustainable housing and infrastructure Throughout history, humans have been searching for ways to create a perfect world, a utopia. A utopia is an ideal society that is free from poverty, war, and inequality. While the concept of a utopia may… Continue reading How hemp can deliver utopia

2024 Guide: Climate Transition Services

We help you achieve climate transition goals Tao Climate, which operates Hempoffset, is a company that is committed to helping organisations all over the world with their climate transition plans. We provide sustainable and cost-effective solutions to help companies reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their climate goals. One of the ways that Tao Climate… Continue reading 2024 Guide: Climate Transition Services

Greenwashing FAQ

Greenwashing FAQ to help you understand the practice better Greenwashing is the practice of making false or misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product or service. This can take many forms, such as exaggerating the recyclability of a product, or claiming that a product is “green” when in reality it is not. The… Continue reading Greenwashing FAQ

How hemp can solve the energy crisis

Hemp’s versatility can solve multiple energy problems Industrial hemp is a versatile crop that has the potential to play a significant role in meeting our energy needs. The plant can be used to produce a wide range of products, including biofuels, bioplastics, biomass, and building materials. Hemp biofuels One of the most promising uses of… Continue reading How hemp can solve the energy crisis

Time’s running out, so let’s fiddle with the clocks!

Daylight savings is like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic Most people agree that changing the clocks twice a year is a royal pain in the ass. But the most important question is this: Does daylight savings actually save energy, thereby reducing the impact of climate change? Daylight savings costs energy Daylight savings was first introduced… Continue reading Time’s running out, so let’s fiddle with the clocks!

Business carbon footprint calculator

Achieve sustainability goals with our business carbon footprint calculator We’ve made it easy to calculate your business’s total contribution to the climate crisis with our business carbon footprint calculator. Taking this first step is critical. You can easily gather the data required from your business utility and transportation bills. Only by understanding the scale of… Continue reading Business carbon footprint calculator

Another giant leap for mankind is possible – just not in space

NASA is ready to lift off! Once again, the target is the moon, as another giant leap for humanity awaits  In the 53 years since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, that giant leap for mankind was surely felt, as we now live in the digital age with mobile phones and light-speed communication.… Continue reading Another giant leap for mankind is possible – just not in space

Environmental Justice: What it is and how Hempoffset will deliver it

Environmental Justice must be delivered to the world Centuries of (mostly) European exploitative colonialism have given us our broken world today. While the brutal exploitation of colonised peoples has been given a PR makeover, the exploitation continues, under the guises of commodities markets and globalisation. We believe that Europe needs to collectively step up and… Continue reading Environmental Justice: What it is and how Hempoffset will deliver it

The opportunity for tech to save the world, Dublin Tech Summit report, #DTS22

Dublin Tech Summit confirms that global tech has a real opportunity to stop climate change How do we make things better? Dublin Tech Summit 2022 had 3 recurring themes: Sustainability, Diversity, and Inclusion. And one big surprise. It was clear that everybody wants to stop climate change and deliver a better, fairer world. What’s needed… Continue reading The opportunity for tech to save the world, Dublin Tech Summit report, #DTS22

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