Thailand removes hemp from its list of controlled drugs

Thailand’s progressive attitude is a wake-up call to the world Today, Thailand is the first Asian country to decriminalise cannabis and, by extension, all hemp varieties. On day one, over 100,000 Thais have applied for permits to be able to grow the plant at home, for medicinal purposes, and the government aims to distribute a… Continue reading Thailand removes hemp from its list of controlled drugs

How you can help achieve all 17 UN Global Goals and make a better world

The Global Goals are not luxurious No poverty or hunger. Human beings literally not starving to death in many parts of the world. Clean water. A toilet. These are not lofty or utopian goals. These are things that should already be. And the UN Global Goals – AKA Sustainable Development Goals, AKA SDGs – are… Continue reading How you can help achieve all 17 UN Global Goals and make a better world

Our carbon footprint calculator tools tell it like it is

Ouch! The truth can sometimes hurt We need to face the truth as a key first step toward making the change. Towards being the change. Hempoffset’s platform vision includes giving people and companies the tools they need to understand the carbon footprints of multiple activities so that we are all equipped to make the changes… Continue reading Our carbon footprint calculator tools tell it like it is

What’s the carbon footprint of your digital content?

Every device has a carbon footprint If you want to understand and measure—and ultimately reduce—digital waste then you must start with the digital devices, because it is in the manufacture and disposal of digital devices where 80% or more of the CO2 and other waste occurs. Next, you need to understand the data. How it… Continue reading What’s the carbon footprint of your digital content?

Celebrate and support bees

Here’s how you can help the bees and all pollinators Einstein famously said that if the bees die out, we only have 4 years before humanity becomes extinct. Without bees and our other pollinators, crops will die. No more fruit, vegetables, grains, or feed for animals. Desolation. Industrial hemp greatly benefits bees in many ways,… Continue reading Celebrate and support bees

Short- and long-term benefits of hemp carbon offset

Photo by Julian Jagtenberg on

Why carbon offsets are now A GOOD THING There’s a lot of confusion around the effectiveness of carbon offsets, so let’s clear the air. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to climate change are mainly focused on trees and forestry. There are 2 main problems with forestry offsets: 1. They take too long to show a net carbon… Continue reading Short- and long-term benefits of hemp carbon offset

Why climate is a fight we can win

LAKE MEAD NATIONAL RECREATION AREA, NEVADA - MAY 09: Local residents Derek Diaz (R) and Ornan Valdivia walk near a formally sunken boat resting on a section of dry lakebed along drought-stricken Lake Mead on May 9, 2022 in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation reported that Lake Mead, North America's largest artificial reservoir, has dropped to about 1,052 feet above sea level, the lowest it's been since being filled in 1937 after the construction of the Hoover Dam. Two sets of human remains have been discovered recently as the lake continues to recede. The declining water levels are a result of a climate change-fueled megadrought coupled with increased water demands in the Southwestern United States. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

There’s a 50:50 risk we cross the 1.5C threshold in 5 years and how big oil will make sure we do Two days, two grim news stories. CNN, 10 May, 2022 reports a 50:50 chance we’ll cross the 1.5C warming threshold within the next five years: ‘There’s now a 50:50 chance that the world will… Continue reading Why climate is a fight we can win

Press Release: Hempoffset reveals how Elon Musk’s $100 million Carbon Removal contest inspired a bid for world peace

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 05 May 2022 Dublin, Ireland Climate change and greenwashing are killing the planet as Ireland’s Greentech startup,, one of 287 qualified XPRIZE teams globally, aims to end global reliance on fossil fuels Hempoffset is on a mission to end greenwashing and climate change with flower power. Industrial hemp… Continue reading Press Release: Hempoffset reveals how Elon Musk’s $100 million Carbon Removal contest inspired a bid for world peace

Data centre power consumption in Ireland

Ireland’s Central Statistics Office, CSO, reports that data centres in Ireland consumed 14% of all electricity in Ireland in 2021, up from just 5% in 2015. There was a 32.3% increase in electricity consumed by data centres in 2021 compared to 2020. Commenting on the release Niamh Shanahan, Statistician in the CSO Environment and Climate Division,… Continue reading Data centre power consumption in Ireland

Why carbon neutral Data Centers are important for the future of business

Data centres (DCs) are the backbone of the internet ‘Cloud computing’ was a smart bit of marketing. We imagine our data to be just floating around the sky prettily. From cat memes and dog GIFs to SaaS (Software as a Service) apps to emails and webchats, pretty much all our digital lives depend on the… Continue reading Why carbon neutral Data Centers are important for the future of business

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