Press Release: Hempoffset reveals how Elon Musk’s $100 million Carbon Removal contest inspired a bid for world peace

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 05 May 2022 Dublin, Ireland Climate change and greenwashing are killing the planet as Ireland’s Greentech startup,, one of 287 qualified XPRIZE teams globally, aims to end global reliance on fossil fuels Hempoffset is on a mission to end greenwashing and climate change with flower power. Industrial hemp… Continue reading Press Release: Hempoffset reveals how Elon Musk’s $100 million Carbon Removal contest inspired a bid for world peace

Data centre power consumption in Ireland

Ireland’s Central Statistics Office, CSO, reports that data centres in Ireland consumed 14% of all electricity in Ireland in 2021, up from just 5% in 2015. There was a 32.3% increase in electricity consumed by data centres in 2021 compared to 2020. Commenting on the release Niamh Shanahan, Statistician in the CSO Environment and Climate Division,… Continue reading Data centre power consumption in Ireland

Why carbon neutral Data Centers are important for the future of business

Data centres (DCs) are the backbone of the internet ‘Cloud computing’ was a smart bit of marketing. We imagine our data to be just floating around the sky prettily. From cat memes and dog GIFs to SaaS (Software as a Service) apps to emails and webchats, pretty much all our digital lives depend on the… Continue reading Why carbon neutral Data Centers are important for the future of business

Earth Day is every day quiz

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Time’s running out, we need decisive action to stop climate change Earth Day is every day. Take this opportunity to catch your breath for a moment. Appreciate this planet of ours, as we speed through space at a whopping 390 kilometers a second. The soil enables plants and photosynthesis, giving food and oxygen. The air… Continue reading Earth Day is every day quiz

Free industrial hemp from drugs legislation #420 @DonnellyStephen

Ireland’s Misuse of Drugs Act 1977 controls the use of industrial hemp in Ireland, and is for the benefit of the Minister for Health. We call on Stephen Donnelly, TD, Minister for Health in Ireland, to update the Misuse of Drugs Act so that industrial hemp does not fall within its scope. In aligning our… Continue reading Free industrial hemp from drugs legislation #420 @DonnellyStephen

Hempoffset progress in @XPRIZE Carbon Removal

Just 287 projects have qualified for milestone awards and Hempoffset is one of them From a total of 1,133 registered team entries in the XPRIZE Carbon Removal contest, 287 have qualified for the milestone awards, which were announced on Earth Day, 22 April 2022. We’re delighted to share that Hempoffset is one of 2 qualified… Continue reading Hempoffset progress in @XPRIZE Carbon Removal

Irish Hemp Conference Report

Teagasc’s Ashtown Food Research Centre in D15 was the splendid location for the annual gathering of the Irish hemp industry’s leading lights, and some up-and-coming hemp stars. Across a very busy Friday, 8 April 2022, we can confirm that, yes, the Irish hemp industry does have a pulse! Just about! Among our highlights from the… Continue reading Irish Hemp Conference Report

How you can offset your carbon footprint completely in 2024 

Hempoffset nextgen Carbon Credit products Our mission is to stop climate change – effectively and quickly – and we’re inviting you to rethink verified carbon offsets as a mechanism to become truly carbon-neutral ASAP. Hempoffset is the first true carbon offset and sequestration product that supports businesses and individuals with their efforts to go carbon… Continue reading How you can offset your carbon footprint completely in 2024 

“Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future”

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) picks a great week to drop its latest warning With Putin threatening nuclear war, how about a nice reminder that the climate crisis has not gone away, but it is still an existential threat to all humanity? Thanks, IPCC! No, really. The report says: Everywhere is affected, with no… Continue reading “Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future”

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