The Party at the End of the World, a Short Story

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Time’s running out!

With the latest news that we will likely exceed 1.5°C of global warming by 2027, with global catastrophe assured, the time to prevent the end of the world is now. We hope that this short story will help you turn anger into action. We’re here to help you.

The Party at the End of the World by Gary J Byrnes

The sky glowed a sickly orange as the world crumbled beneath the weight of its own destruction. A group of oil industry executives had gathered in a lavish mansion, their final sanctuary amidst the chaos. It was the last party in human history, and they revelled in the face of their impending doom.

Champagne flowed freely, laughter echoed through the opulent halls, and music blared, attempting to drown out the screams of the dying planet. The executives, dressed in tailored suits, clinked their glasses together, toasting their own success. They were the architects of their own demise, and they basked in the heat of their power.

As the inferno outside raged, the executives spoke with disdainful pride about their disinformation campaigns and the bribery of politicians. Their manipulations had led to decades of inaction on climate change. They had sown doubt and denied the truth, ensuring their profits remained untouched while the world burned.

“We silenced the voices of reason, buried the inconvenient truth beneath a mountain of lies. And now, here we are, kings of a burning empire.”

“What a magnificent game we played,” the CEO of a major oil corporation, boasted. “We silenced the voices of reason, buried the inconvenient truth beneath a mountain of lies. And now, here we are, kings of a burning empire.”

The others nodded, their expressions a mix of satisfaction and regret. They knew that they had condemned humanity to its demise. The price for their greed was the extinction of their own species.

An influential lobbyist raised her glass. “To the end of civilisation,” she toasted, a hint of sorrow in her voice. The others joined in, their laughter tinged with bitterness.

But as the night wore on and the fire grew closer, their joviality turned to panic. The mansion’s windows cracked from the heat, and the air filled with the acrid smell of smoke. The partygoers huddled together, their faces etched with fear as the flames devoured everything in their path.

One by one, the executives succumbed to the flames they had set loose upon the world. Their bodies turned to ash, their luxurious attire reduced to cinders. In their final moments, they understood the magnitude of their actions, and the irreversible damage they had wrought.

And with their deaths, the human race met its end. No conscious observer remained to bear witness to the unfolding Universe. The flames outside extinguished all life, leaving behind only a desolate, barren wasteland.

And so, the party at the end of the world became the last dance of humanity, a tragic tale of greed and ignorance that led to the annihilation of an entire species. The echoes of their laughter and the flickering flames were all that remained, fading into the emptiness of eternity.

In the absence of consciousness, the Universe ceased to exist. Like the tree falling in the forest with nobody to hear it, there was no one left to perceive its existence. The grand, cosmic tapestry of reality, once vibrant and full of life, vanished into the void.

The End?

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Hempoffset works with hemp growers and makers worldwide, to capture and sequester CO2 at scale, while building a sustainable world.

Tao Climate works with companies and individuals that want to measure, minimise and manage their carbon footprints. Tao Climate is the way to carbon neutral.

We are proud members of the Google Startups for Sustainable Development program.

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By Gary Byrnes

Founder and CEO at and Hempoffset works with hemp growers and makers worldwide, to capture and sequester CO2 at scale, while building a sustainable world. Tao Climate works with companies and individuals that want to measure, minimise and manage their carbon footprints. Tao Climate is the way to carbon neutral. We are proud members of the Google Startups for Sustainable Development program.

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